
Mighty Mites
They hide in your bed and breed on your face. They’re smaller than the period at the end of this sentence.
By Rob Dunn
Photographs by Martin Oeggerli
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By Rob Dunn
Photographs by Martin Oeggerli
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When you go to sleep, you suddenly become aware that you have a body… The feelings are not blocked by the constant mental activity, by being busy… and you start to feel the mites.
You itch. You feel the crawling… depending on the type of mites you have, on your face, on your ear lobes, in your ear… your eyes.
Or underneath your body… where it touches the sheet.
Or where the blanket touches your body…
Or in your anal area
your vaginal area…
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I know a guy who used to get these bites that wouldn’t heal. A bite with a tiny black speck giving away the fact that something was living inside… He got these on his neck, on his chin, and they would itch tremendously. Where else he had them, he didn’t say.
He asked me to treat them with MMS, that claims to eradicate all pests… bah humbug. The MMS burned a hole in his face, his neck.
He used to take long baths in his friend’s seawater pool, and that would help with the itching, but didn’t do much for the whole issue: bites and new bites with little black speck in the middle.
He hasn’t complained for some time now, so I thought to ask him what happened.
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After publishing the previous article on feeling lethargic, I had an insight:
Given that 30% of humanity is plagued with mite infestation, microscopic biting mites, you are always bothered.
You can’t sleep through the night, because almost every night there is a 2-hour period when eggs hatch into worms… worms that cause itching, or when hungry mites hatch, and they bite and crawl their way to your head and ears to start their adult lives, to mate, to lay eggs, that will start the cycle in about 22-26 hours.
I know you don’t want to hear it, but eventually you’ll have to hear it.
The mites project is whipping my ass…
I thought I would report to you on how the mites project is going.
If tonight is an indication of how I am doing: I haven’t gained any ground… I am itching, uninvited guests are swarming on me, and I feel absolutely powerless over it.
All hope is not lost yet… something I ordered is being sent, slowly, from Southern Florida… and I am just one hour south of the Canadian border… grrr.
Of course, I have hopes… And we shall see… I am not giving up, the alternative is killing myself. Imagining my life remaining like this makes it clear: I have to win at this.
also… Writing the report on fighting the mite epidemic has been murder…