Biting Mites... microscopic biting insects on humans

A true empath can see the invisible

Why does having mites on your body cause poor sleep?

army of mites... invisible, but you can feel them

army of mites... invisible, but you can feel themWhen you go to sleep, you suddenly become aware that you have a body… The feelings are not blocked by the constant mental activity, by being busy… and you start to feel the mites.

You itch. You feel the crawling… depending on the type of mites you have, on your face, on your ear lobes, in your ear… your eyes.

Or underneath your body… where it touches the sheet.

Or where the blanket touches your body…
Or in your anal area
your vaginal area…
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Spider mites go on the offensive

One of the dubious benefits of being an empath is that you can observe your enemy deciding to double their efforts to survive through their offspring.

Yesterday I did something (I share what it is in the membership (paid) section of the site), that made a serious dent in the spider mite population that lives in and on me. I mean decimating their population with just one application that I can repeat and repeat until they are all gone… just a bad memory. At least, that is my plan. I knock on wood that this is it… I don’t even have energy to laugh, although I slept a full night for the first time in at least a few months, or maybe the second?

Anyway, I woke up without the now familiar and expected back pain. My body felt like someone else’s body… interesting feeling.
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What seems to be working – spider mites

For spider mites: I have been able to decimate their population with Diatomaceous Earth both on the body and internally. They use your colon and maybe even your vagina to lay eggs and for the larvae to reach critical development when it can survive and become a spider mite.

These pre-mites, or nymphs are soft, and so are easily damaged by the diatomaceous earth’s sharp edges.

The regime needs to be kept up: a seeming lull in their number can balloon back to full scale (hundreds) in a day or two of not taking the DE.

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My story dealing with the mites

It started seven months ago. I accidentally discovered that I have mites living in my ears.

I searched the web and did what I found. I followed instructions. Nothing worked… At that point I had no idea that they live all over me… Until I did.

My insomnia suddenly started to make sense… the crawling sensation on my body, on my head, on my face… it was real, and I was in trouble.

It took me a few more months before I discovered that there are billions of people like me… and many of them have made their struggle public…
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Coughing and sneezing in the morning?

sneezing and coughing in the morningCoughing and sneezing are designed by the body as a strategy to eject an intruder. Mucus membranes overflow and cover the offending object, the intruder, and then a lot of air is to push it out.

The question is: what is the offending object?

Instead of just labeling this phenomenon as “I have allergies” consider that a little observation, a little awareness, a little witnessing can make a huge difference.
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The process of elimination

This is a growing post… so please come back and check it from time to time… I am not the type of gal who can do a whole dissertation… bite size pieces is my style… so please bear with me.

One of the problems I see, that people don’t know what works, because they don’t know what doesn’t work.

So in this article I will list a few of the things that I found doing nothing, I mean not a thing or not anything of relevance. Read More