Biting Mites... microscopic biting insects on humans

A true empath can see the invisible

Why does having mites on your body cause poor sleep?

army of mites... invisible, but you can feel themWhen you go to sleep, you suddenly become aware that you have a body… The feelings are not blocked by the constant mental activity, by being busy… and you start to feel the mites.

You itch. You feel the crawling… depending on the type of mites you have, on your face, on your ear lobes, in your ear… your eyes.

Or underneath your body… where it touches the sheet.

Or where the blanket touches your body…
Or in your anal area
your vaginal area…

dustmites1And the itch and crawling won’t go away. You may turn the light back on, seeking for the source of the itch and movement, but you find nothing.

You fidget, you move, you scratch… not conducive to falling asleep.

Sometimes, when you are sooo tired, that you don’t have this period of feeling your body, you fall asleep, only to wake up an hour or two later to the itching and crawling, and biting sensation…

Two hours, three hours pass… This time you may not even know what woke you up, you know you should be sleeping and you aren’t.

279DDA7300000578-3041024-image-a-10_1429238152389So your mind, to avoid dealing with the not knowing, will make up stories, think about tomorrow, think about the past… just to justify the fact that you are not sleeping.

And if and when you have this most nights… you are doomed.

Now you are afraid to go to bed. Now you obsess about it.

“Normal” remedies don’t do much, because the root cause of your discomfort needs to be addressed. The darn mites, on your body, on your face, on your pillow, aaaargh!

And no one knows anything about anything. So you make up a story: you must have Morgellons… yeah, what’s that? An imaginary condition… At least if it is magical, ahead of the time, you can talk about it. There are others like you on the internet, and they will understand, you are not alone.

But until you start addressing the cause, the mites, and get the accurate information, not the ton of hogwash of other amateurs, nothing will change.

I didn’t sleep well most of my life.

dustmites-20At nine or so years of age I caught the ear mites, then the spider mites, and then last, during my last hospital stay, 17 years ago, the vaginal itch mites.

Always tired, always tense, living in a hostile world I could not share my misery with, because I didn’t understand my misery…

Until this year. About five months ago? Four months ago? Feels like decades.

I am a true empath, and for the first time ever, I challenged myself to solve this issue of the invisible cause of the itch.

I had never heard about mites on the body… maybe I heard about ear mites on cats… but that’s it.

It took me a month to find out that maybe it’s mites…

red mite 2And then I started observing in earnest. And an empath sees with their feelings. Sees well, actually. Sees shades, shapes, intentions, speed, number of feet…

I didn’t talk about it to anyone for another two months, then I mentioned it to a friend who is also an empath, in Europe… and then, through testing and talking and observing, the whole picture opened up.

spider like miteWhen questions arose, I used muscle testing while I was connected to Source… All-of-it… whatever that is, makes muscle testing reliable.

Now, we have a working protocol for all three mites, and we are fine-tuning the processes, to make them easier, faster, cheaper… a team of 17 people… dedicated to cure themselves and make that useful for humanity.

But don’t be mistaken: humanity is threatened by the army of mites… the mere sanity of humans is being threatened.

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