Biting Mites... microscopic biting insects on humans

A true empath can see the invisible

Chigoe Flea

I know a guy who used to get these bites that wouldn’t heal. A bite with a tiny black speck giving away the fact that something was living inside… He got these on his neck, on his chin, and they would itch tremendously. Where else he had them, he didn’t say.

He asked me to treat them with MMS, that claims to eradicate all pests… bah humbug. The MMS burned a hole in his face, his neck.

He used to take long baths in his friend’s seawater pool, and that would help with the itching, but didn’t do much for the whole issue: bites and new bites with little black speck in the middle.

He hasn’t complained for some time now, so I thought to ask him what happened.
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On other “get rid of mites” sites:

there are thousands of mite species, and I know four that live on humans.

  1. ear mites/dust mites… interchangeable and I’ll treat them as the same
  2. demodex mites
  3. spider mites… or more precisely, the nymph of the spider mites
  4. Scabies

They all need different treatments, but those other sites don’t differentiate… they say “a mite is a mite” and therefore, when you read the site, you leave with more confusion than clarity. At least I did.

People try treatments for other mites, and don’t understand that it won’t work, because each mite is different.

People mix 7-8 different things, and have no idea what worked and what didn’t… if something seems to be working. I can sympathize: they want to get rid of the critters as fast as possible. Most don’t.

More and more confusion results.
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My story dealing with the mites

It started seven months ago. I accidentally discovered that I have mites living in my ears.

I searched the web and did what I found. I followed instructions. Nothing worked… At that point I had no idea that they live all over me… Until I did.

My insomnia suddenly started to make sense… the crawling sensation on my body, on my head, on my face… it was real, and I was in trouble.

It took me a few more months before I discovered that there are billions of people like me… and many of them have made their struggle public…
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Coughing and sneezing in the morning?

sneezing and coughing in the morningCoughing and sneezing are designed by the body as a strategy to eject an intruder. Mucus membranes overflow and cover the offending object, the intruder, and then a lot of air is to push it out.

The question is: what is the offending object?

Instead of just labeling this phenomenon as “I have allergies” consider that a little observation, a little awareness, a little witnessing can make a huge difference.
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