Biting Mites... microscopic biting insects on humans

A true empath can see the invisible

Why does having mites on your body cause poor sleep?

army of mites... invisible, but you can feel them

army of mites... invisible, but you can feel themWhen you go to sleep, you suddenly become aware that you have a body… The feelings are not blocked by the constant mental activity, by being busy… and you start to feel the mites.

You itch. You feel the crawling… depending on the type of mites you have, on your face, on your ear lobes, in your ear… your eyes.

Or underneath your body… where it touches the sheet.

Or where the blanket touches your body…
Or in your anal area
your vaginal area…
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News on the fight against the microscopic biting mites

biting-mitesBiting Mites… News.

A few things:

Most discovery comes through mistakes.

I had already known that butter causes the mite population explode, but… you know, sometimes you just have to make the same mistake twice.

So I made my green beans with butter: big mistake. That night I didn’t sleep much from all the itching and biting.
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