Biting Mites... microscopic biting insects on humans

A true empath can see the invisible

Human Spider mites go on the offensive

human spider mite

human spider miteOne way you know if what you are doing works or not is from the reaction of the mites.

The approach we have taken works, and the spider mites regrouped, watched my habits, observed me for a few days/night and then did what they had to do to survive as a family.

They decided that there are two periods when I am too unaware for them to safely deposit their eggs… starting about two hours after I turn the light off, and while I am working on my computer.

So far so good, but what else did they do?

They went into emergency mode, and had the one male fertilize the eggs of 10 females… ((Females have infertile eggs in them waiting for a male to fertilize the eggs… When that happens, the female is ready to lay the eggs right away. No waiting time))
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Spider mites angry or maybe confused…

Spider mites are tiny, and have an unusual (in developed countries, that is) way to go through the four stages of an insect life cycle:

The adult spider mite lays eggs inside the nose of a warm blooded mammal, and then the eggs get into the digestive tract, and go through two more phases, two more stages of the cycle. They come out hungry nymphs that are ready to molt into fully developed spider mites, just need a little help from the host: skin juices.

If this makes your stomach turn: yeah, it turns my stomach too. And makes me feel violated, abused, and all the horrid feelings we so try to avoid, and here it is.

Because of this unusual habit, doctors, it seems haven’t discovered that a large segment of the population is host and nursery for these parasitic creatures.

My guess is, supported by my own muscle testing, is the Morgellons, the condition that drives people crazy and to suicide, is simply (sounds ridiculous, but it is in fact more simple that the descriptions other give to Morgellons) spider mite infestation.

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Why do you feel lethargic…

lethargic-3After publishing the previous article on feeling lethargic, I had an insight:

Given that 30% of humanity is plagued with mite infestation, microscopic biting mites, you are always bothered.

You can’t sleep through the night, because almost every night there is a 2-hour period when eggs hatch into worms… worms that cause itching, or when hungry mites hatch, and they bite and crawl their way to your head and ears to start their adult lives, to mate, to lay eggs, that will start the cycle in about 22-26 hours.

I know you don’t want to hear it, but eventually you’ll have to hear it.

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