Biting Mites... microscopic biting insects on humans

A true empath can see the invisible

Do you have mites? Let me check… the symptoms are confusing…

Even if your symptoms match or are similar to what I say here, or others say anywhere, you need to be sure before you say yes or no, to deal with your mites.

And even if you don’t feel anything… (why are you here then?) it is advisable that you let ME check you.

I am a true empath, and that means that I can connect to you directly without any voodoo, just merge with you, and muscle test if you have something or not…

I have never found that I’d made a mistake… but who knows, maybe you’ll be the first… lol.
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I caught one of these spider mites on my body

My heart almost stopped…

I felt something climbing up my shirt. I have been wearing no bra for the past 10 days or so, and loose shirts so I can catch a critter before it bites… some bites are really nasty and don’t want to heal.

So I reached there, and there it was, greenish spider mite, an adult specimen. Of course I had nothing to put it into, so I killed it, but now I am totally restless, it feels like hundreds are crawling on me… the mind is a very interesting equipment.

Part 2: I decided to not let the situation keep me up any longer, I haven’t slept much for the past five nights, so mind over matter… I’ll sleep.

That was both a big mistake and a big blessing. I did wake up, but by that time I had 10 nymphs bitten me, causing pimple-like phenomenon… now you know where those things come from that look like a pimple, but they are hardened skin. Spider mite bites.

News on the fight against the microscopic biting mites

biting-mitesBiting Mites… News.

A few things:

Most discovery comes through mistakes.

I had already known that butter causes the mite population explode, but… you know, sometimes you just have to make the same mistake twice.

So I made my green beans with butter: big mistake. That night I didn’t sleep much from all the itching and biting.
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The fundamental error of human thinking: that things are fixable

skinnierIf you look, at least half of our time is spent fixing or being part of a “fix”.

The problem with fixing is fundamental and it is against Life and it is against Nature.

Nature, Life, never fixes anything, it continues on what is, and it either will live or die. Or it restores… but not fixes…

Nature, Life, doesn’t care. Caring is a human error.

Every solution to a problem creates a larger problem.
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Update on the mites project

The mites project is whipping my ass…

I thought I would report to you on how the mites project is going.

If tonight is an indication of how I am doing: I haven’t gained any ground… I am itching, uninvited guests are swarming on me, and I feel absolutely powerless over it.

All hope is not lost yet… something I ordered is being sent, slowly, from Southern Florida… and I am just one hour south of the Canadian border… grrr.

Of course, I have hopes… And we shall see… I am not giving up, the alternative is killing myself. Imagining my life remaining like this makes it clear: I have to win at this.

also… Writing the report on fighting the mite epidemic has been murder…

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