Biting Mites... microscopic biting insects on humans

A true empath can see the invisible

Do you have mites? Let me check… the symptoms are confusing…

Even if your symptoms match or are similar to what I say here, or others say anywhere, you need to be sure before you say yes or no, to deal with your mites.

And even if you don’t feel anything… (why are you here then?) it is advisable that you let ME check you.

I am a true empath, and that means that I can connect to you directly without any voodoo, just merge with you, and muscle test if you have something or not…

I have never found that I’d made a mistake… but who knows, maybe you’ll be the first… lol.
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Chigoe Flea

I know a guy who used to get these bites that wouldn’t heal. A bite with a tiny black speck giving away the fact that something was living inside… He got these on his neck, on his chin, and they would itch tremendously. Where else he had them, he didn’t say.

He asked me to treat them with MMS, that claims to eradicate all pests… bah humbug. The MMS burned a hole in his face, his neck.

He used to take long baths in his friend’s seawater pool, and that would help with the itching, but didn’t do much for the whole issue: bites and new bites with little black speck in the middle.

He hasn’t complained for some time now, so I thought to ask him what happened.
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