Biting Mites... microscopic biting insects on humans

A true empath can see the invisible

Demodex mites

demodex_EN1Rosacea is not an infectious disease, and there is no evidence that it can be spread by direct contact with the skin of an affected patient or through inhaling airborne bacteria. However, there has long been a theory that parasites within the sebaceous follicles of the face can stimulate inflammation.
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The fundamental error of human thinking: that things are fixable

skinnierIf you look, at least half of our time is spent fixing or being part of a “fix”.

The problem with fixing is fundamental and it is against Life and it is against Nature.

Nature, Life, never fixes anything, it continues on what is, and it either will live or die. Or it restores… but not fixes…

Nature, Life, doesn’t care. Caring is a human error.

Every solution to a problem creates a larger problem.
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Spider Mites

Spider mites are closest to ticks, the disease carrying blood sucking insects you pick up in the woods or in your yard if you have deer like I do.

The lay waiting for a suitable host to come by and launch themselves on it.

Spider mite nymphs need to mature on a host, because they need nutrients only a warm blooded host can provide… They suck not blood, but the juices that come out of a wound they make on your body. They have a mouthpiece, and pierce the body, then the fresh around the wound becomes hardened, very itchy, and they feed on that wound for days, I think.

I have to control my gag reflex as I am writing this.
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