Biting Mites... microscopic biting insects on humans

A true empath can see the invisible

Human Spider mites go on the offensive

human spider mite

human spider miteOne way you know if what you are doing works or not is from the reaction of the mites.

The approach we have taken works, and the spider mites regrouped, watched my habits, observed me for a few days/night and then did what they had to do to survive as a family.

They decided that there are two periods when I am too unaware for them to safely deposit their eggs… starting about two hours after I turn the light off, and while I am working on my computer.

So far so good, but what else did they do?

They went into emergency mode, and had the one male fertilize the eggs of 10 females… ((Females have infertile eggs in them waiting for a male to fertilize the eggs… When that happens, the female is ready to lay the eggs right away. No waiting time))
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Do you have mites? Let me check… the symptoms are confusing…

Even if your symptoms match or are similar to what I say here, or others say anywhere, you need to be sure before you say yes or no, to deal with your mites.

And even if you don’t feel anything… (why are you here then?) it is advisable that you let ME check you.

I am a true empath, and that means that I can connect to you directly without any voodoo, just merge with you, and muscle test if you have something or not…

I have never found that I’d made a mistake… but who knows, maybe you’ll be the first… lol.
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