Biting Mites... microscopic biting insects on humans

A true empath can see the invisible

My story dealing with the mites

It started seven months ago. I accidentally discovered that I have mites living in my ears.

I searched the web and did what I found. I followed instructions. Nothing worked… At that point I had no idea that they live all over me… Until I did.

My insomnia suddenly started to make sense… the crawling sensation on my body, on my head, on my face… it was real, and I was in trouble.

It took me a few more months before I discovered that there are billions of people like me… and many of them have made their struggle public…
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Coughing and sneezing in the morning?

sneezing and coughing in the morningCoughing and sneezing are designed by the body as a strategy to eject an intruder. Mucus membranes overflow and cover the offending object, the intruder, and then a lot of air is to push it out.

The question is: what is the offending object?

Instead of just labeling this phenomenon as “I have allergies” consider that a little observation, a little awareness, a little witnessing can make a huge difference.
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Spider Mites

Spider mites are closest to ticks, the disease carrying blood sucking insects you pick up in the woods or in your yard if you have deer like I do.

The lay waiting for a suitable host to come by and launch themselves on it.

Spider mite nymphs need to mature on a host, because they need nutrients only a warm blooded host can provide… They suck not blood, but the juices that come out of a wound they make on your body. They have a mouthpiece, and pierce the body, then the fresh around the wound becomes hardened, very itchy, and they feed on that wound for days, I think.

I have to control my gag reflex as I am writing this.
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What seems to be working dust mites and ear mites- constantly updated…

For dust mites and ear mites: it seems that these mites are sensitive to alcohol. It seems to attract them and then damage their central nervous system… if you can say that about a tiny mite like that…

Anyway, rinsing with alcoholic type vinegar, like apple cider vinegar (I only tried Briggs) diluted with water seems to cause them to fall off, wash off. Of course, if your clothes or your bed has mites, you won’t have a mite-free night, but that is another issue: getting rid of the mites on clothes, floor, and bedding.

One user tried Combucha… fermented tea? also seems to be working…

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The process of elimination

This is a growing post… so please come back and check it from time to time… I am not the type of gal who can do a whole dissertation… bite size pieces is my style… so please bear with me.

One of the problems I see, that people don’t know what works, because they don’t know what doesn’t work.

So in this article I will list a few of the things that I found doing nothing, I mean not a thing or not anything of relevance. Read More

There is an epidemic of biting microscopic mites that live on humans

This site is the result of my five-month struggle with these mites that have robbed me of sleep, of my social life, my peace of mind.

I have, to date, identified four biting insects that we’ll fight on this site, insect that attack humans. There are more that attack your pets, but that is not my topic… later I may add it, but not just now.

I have tested tens of solutions suggested by others, and another few that I thought of.

So far, I have gathered a lot of experience, but not real tangible results that would, forever, irreversibly, eradicate the infestation. 🙁

That is my goal… Too lofty, I know… It actually causes suffering on one hand, but on the other hand it forces me to continue going deeper and with integrity into the testing.

Wish me luck. Thank you