Biting Mites... microscopic biting insects on humans

A true empath can see the invisible

Microscopic Mites breeding inside you

I felt that something is living in my intestinal track, maybe even my gall bladder…

I muscle tested what it was, and it wasn’t fluke, amoeba, or a worm… but yet, the muscle test said: something is living in my intestinal track, and diatomaceous earth muscle tested yes.

Then I muscle tested… more like guessed like in the guessing game: 20 questions… After all muscle testing is a yes/no “game.” I found that “spider mite” and the nymph of a spider mite consistently came up a yes. Information on the internet doesn’t agree with that, but hey, maybe the information is wrong, maybe I am wrong… we’ll find out, won’t we?

So for about 10 days I took diatomaceous earth in water twice a day, and that’s probably what kept the spider mites in check… because once I stopped… because I didn’t quite know what was inside me, the biting in the vaginal/anal area began in earnest.
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What seems to be working dust mites and ear mites- constantly updated…

For dust mites and ear mites: it seems that these mites are sensitive to alcohol. It seems to attract them and then damage their central nervous system… if you can say that about a tiny mite like that…

Anyway, rinsing with alcoholic type vinegar, like apple cider vinegar (I only tried Briggs) diluted with water seems to cause them to fall off, wash off. Of course, if your clothes or your bed has mites, you won’t have a mite-free night, but that is another issue: getting rid of the mites on clothes, floor, and bedding.

One user tried Combucha… fermented tea? also seems to be working…

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