Biting Mites... microscopic biting insects on humans

A true empath can see the invisible

Vaginal mites, the cause of dry vagina symptoms, and painful sex

Vaginal Mites:

they are really small. Live and breed mostly in the vagina or around it.

They have a “defense” system: the mites are covered with knife sharp qills, that they can flex and roll around. The little pinpricks cause a whole sore…

Yesterday I had them outside. Everywhere where clothes touched or lied on my side has now sores, also in the vaginal area.

They don’t readily move onto furniture or clothes, but after you irrigate and dip in the water with a lot of …

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My leutenant writes:

Hi Sophie,

After reading the last two articles it was like: Oh NOOOO – then, my MT says I have them – 500 so far – did the MT while connected with 852 tone (please double-check it – I’m bashful too and can’t post it publicly) – since yesterday I have bites there, also

I’m dealing with many symptoms you described, for years – they officially call it vaginal dryness, assigned to menopause and aging – meaning it’s normal – f… to cope with it I apply some ointments, creams…

In the last few days I’m applying neem oil directly but have no such good results as you describe

I suppose the enema you mention is vaginal, like irrigation?

ok, vaginal mites…

you do have them. sorry. I think a lot of women do.

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Hate that I make you pay for it? Hey, this is what I do for a living… would you prefer that I stop researching and writing for you?

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