Let us fight the mites that make life miserable for you

Exact methods, exact quantities, insider information

You want to test how to get rid of mites? This is not the place!

Yesterday a student who purchased this program sent me an email saying:

One question that I never asked you was what kind of mite infestation do I have on me and in my house when you muscle tested to see if I had a mite infestation. Can you please let me know?

After I found out that I did have mites, I was so grossed out that I went on the internet and started doing my own research also. From everything that I read it seems that Food Grade Diatomacous Earth, Coconut Oil and Tree Tee Oil were giving people good results. I mixed coconut oil and tree tee oil and rubbed it over this on my left wrist where the it’s been itching a lot but the mites / itching didn’t stop. I only got some brief relief. I rubbed DE all over my body and hair and then rubbed coconut oil before heading to bed. That seemed to stop the itching but then it was back again the next day. I also rubbed DE all over my dog too.
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Jumping into conclusion about what worked

One of the common characteristics of people, when they want something, when they desire, is to consider everything relevant, emphasize one thing and ignore another.

Something like this is happening with regards to the spider mites: the second night was horror, and I THOUGHT I had done the same thing… Read More

Chigoe Flea

I know a guy who used to get these bites that wouldn’t heal. A bite with a tiny black speck giving away the fact that something was living inside… He got these on his neck, on his chin, and they would itch tremendously. Where else he had them, he didn’t Read More

Update on the mites project

The mites project is whipping my ass…

I thought I would report to you on how the mites project is going.

If tonight is an indication of how I am doing: I haven’t gained any ground… I am itching, uninvited guests are swarming on me, and I feel absolutely powerless Read More

Demodex mites


Rosacea is not an infectious disease, and there is no evidence that it can be spread by direct contact with the skin of an affected patient or through inhaling airborne bacteria. However, there has long been a theory that parasites within the sebaceous follicles of the face can stimulate inflammation. Read More

Why do you feel lethargic…


After publishing the previous article on feeling lethargic, I had an insight:

Given that 30% of humanity is plagued with mite infestation, microscopic biting mites, you are always bothered.

You can’t sleep through the night, because almost every night there is a 2-hour period when eggs hatch into worms… worms Read More

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