Biting Mites... microscopic biting insects on humans

A true empath can see the invisible

Itching in the vagina at night?

I’m a 67 year old woman.

I’ve had to live with sometimes unbearable itching, with doctors staring at my female parts under strong surgical lights, 3 surgeries …

The reason is that there is an undetected epidemic of biting spider mites that reproduce in the vaginal canal (and also in the anus) and when they are born, they bite, and they itch … I mean ITCH!

But if itchiness were the most awful thing they do, I probably would not be publishing this blog.

In the end phase of the spider mite’s development into full blown adult spider mites, they are nymphs and they need more nutrients, and they elected to get it from you.

They bite you, insert a mouthpiece, like a pipe, like a drinking straw and for a day or two, dissolve the skin and consume it.

When they are good and ready, they drop as fully developed spider mites, and leave you with a welt, a skin hardening, and the potential of serious illnesses, depending on where the bite was.

If the bite happens inside the vagina, it may cause cervical cancer. If they went upwards instead of downwards … for instance during your period, they will go to your uterus and cause infertility, non-cancerous fibrous tumors, or cancer. But they can go as far as your ovaries … causing cysts or cancer …

This parasitic way of using human bodies to hide and protect all phases of development of spider mites is a fairly new evolutionary step for spider mites, only in the last 30 years or so … probably intimately related to the increased use of pesticides.

We could say that we can thank Monsanto for this blessing … the terrible itching and dropping dead from spider mite nymph bites.

I have more information on my mites site and the individual solution: messy but workable.

PS: Since I have beaten the spider mites at their own game, I have discovered that there is another, even smaller mite, that breeds in the vagina, and makes sex painful or impossible… I call them vaginal mites or itch mites, interchangeably… they are both.

I have found a way to beat them at their own game too… yaay for all the millions of women that have been suffering. The solution is cheap, but may take weeks… But what is that compared to years of suffering, or forever?

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